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Here is the online help:
$ ./set -h usage: ./set [ -rtnpPdOlIfehv ] [ -r ] [ --read_records ] (type=FLAG,) read whole records from infile, put into homeo and diffeo classes, write to outfile [ -t ] [ --tests ] (type=FLAG,) run diagnostic tests [ -n ] [ --num_type ] (type=INTEGER, range=0...3, default=0) the number type: 0=float,1=double,2=long double,3=mpfr_class [ -p ] [ --mpfr_precision ] (type=INTEGER, range=1..., default=53) precision of gmp mpfr_class (in bits) [ -P ] [ --out_precision ] (type=INTEGER, range=1..., default=6) precision of output (in significant digits) [ -d ] [ --debug ] (type=FLAG,) output debug information to cerr [ --verbose ] (type=INTEGER, range=0...4, default=0) verbosity of output [ -O ] [ --outfile ] (type=STRING, default=cout) output file [ -l ] [ --latex ] (type=FLAG,) create latex tables of homeomorphism and diffeomorphism classes [ --latexfile ] (type=STRING, default=cout) output file for latex tables [ -I ] [ --infile ] (type=STRING, default=cin) input file [ -f ] [ --fs ] (type=INTEGER, range=0...2, default=0) field separator (0=SPC, 1=TAB, 2=COMMA) [ -e ] [ --epsilon ] (type=STRING, default=1e-6) error tolerance (to judge equality of invariants) [ --cf_max_denom ] (type=STRING, default=1000) maximum denominator in computing continued fraction convergents [ --cf_epsilon ] (type=STRING, default=1e-6) error tolerance in computing continued fraction convergents [ --recompute ] (type=FLAG,) redo computation of invariants (should be done with -n 3) [ --output_style ] (type=INTEGER, range=0...3, default=0) style of output (0=text, 1=html, 2=xml, 3=latex (unimplemented)) [ -h ] [ --help ] (type=FLAG) Display this help and exit. [ -v ] [ --version ] (type=FLAG) Output version information and exit.