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Here is the online help:
$ ./kspace_t -h usage: /home/work/c/kruggel/kspace_t [ -bcilrstnpPdOIwfehv ] [ -b ] [ --batch ] (type=FLAG,) Run in batch mode over a cube: default: [k0min,k0max] x [k1min,k1max] x [l0min,l0max] x [l1min,l1max] with k0+k1+k2=0=l0+l1+l2 2: [k0min,k0max] x [k1min,k1max] x [k2min,k2max] x [l0min,l0max] x [l1min,l1max] x [l2min,l2max] 3: [k0min,k0max] x [k1min,k1max] x [l0min,l0max] x [l1min,l1max] x [0,mod3] with k0+k1+k2=l0+l1+l2 in [0,mod3] [ -c ] [ --compare_files ] (type=FLAG,) compare two files of whole records [ -i ] [ --run_interactive ] (type=FLAG,) run interactively, read sum k0 k1 l0 l1 from infile, compute invariants, write to outfile [ -l ] [ --rsum ] (type=FLAG,) Run in batch mode, looping over [rmin,rmax] x [smin,smax] x [k0min,k0max] x finite set, where we use b=a-c + (s*a-r)/c, l0=-a+c, l1=-b-c, k0=a, k1=-a-b and c|s*a-r, r is in [rmin,rmax], s is in [smin,smax] and a is in [k0min,k0max]. [ -r ] [ --read_records ] (type=FLAG,) read whole records from infile, compute and compare invariants, write to outfile [ -s ] [ --sort ] (type=FLAG,) run as in batch mode and sort output (incompletely) [ -t ] [ --tests ] (type=FLAG,) run diagnostic tests [ -n ] [ --num_type ] (type=INTEGER, range=0...3, default=0) the number type: 0=float,1=double,2=long double,3=mpfr_class [ -p ] [ --mpfr_precision ] (type=INTEGER, range=1..., default=53) precision of gmp mpfr_class (in bits) [ -P ] [ --out_precision ] (type=INTEGER, range=1..., default=6) precision of output (in significant digits) [ --rmax ] (type=INTEGER, range=1..., default=0) output only the kspaces with rank of H4<=rmax (default is LONG_MAX, used in batch + rsum) [ --rmin ] (type=INTEGER, range=1..., default=1) output only the kspaces with rank of H4>=rmin (default is LONG_MAX, used in rsum) [ --smax ] (type=INTEGER, range=0..., default=0) the maximum value of sum=k0+k1+k2 (used in rsum) [ --smin ] (type=INTEGER, range=0..., default=0) the minimum value of sum=k0+k1+k2 (used in rsum) [ --k0min ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) k0min [ --k1min ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) k1min (not implemented) [ --k2min ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) k2min (not implemented) [ --k0max ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) k0max [ --k1max ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) k1max (not implemented) [ --k2max ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) k2max (not implemented) [ --l0min ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) l0min [ --l1min ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) l1min (not implemented) [ --l2min ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) l2min (not implemented) [ --l0max ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) l0max (not implemented) [ --l1max ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) l1max (not implemented) [ --l2max ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) l2max (not implemented) [ --k0 ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) k0 [ --k1 ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) k1 [ --k2 ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) k2 [ --l0 ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) l0 [ --l1 ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) l1 [ --l2 ] (type=INTEGER, default=0) l2 [ --mod3 ] (type=INTEGER, range=0...2, default=0) loop over l0+l1+l2=k0+k1+k2=0 to mod3 [ -d ] [ --debug ] (type=FLAG,) output debug information to cerr [ --verbose ] (type=INTEGER, range=0...4, default=0) verbosity of output [ --type ] (type=INTEGER, range=0...8, default=0) 0=diffeomorphism, 1=homeomorphism, 2=homotopy, 3=basic, 4=compute no invariants, 5=unoriented diffeomorphism, 6=unoriented homeomorphism, 7=unoriented homotopy, 8=unoriented basic [ -O ] [ --outfile ] (type=STRING, default=cout) output file [ -I ] [ --infile ] (type=STRING, default=cin) input file [ --infile0 ] (type=STRING) input file (with compare_files) [ --infile1 ] (type=STRING) input file (with compare_files) [ -w ] [ --withs22 ] (type=FLAG,) include s22 in output [ -f ] [ --fs ] (type=INTEGER, range=0...2, default=0) field separator (0=SPC, 1=TAB, 2=COMMA) [ -e ] [ --epsilon ] (type=STRING) 1e-8 error tolerance (for use with read_records and compare_files) [ --trust ] (type=FLAG,) trust that input data is a kspace [ --maple ] (type=FLAG,) print out commands to compute invariants in Maple(tm) [ --maple_outfile ] (type=STRING, default=cout) print out commands to compute invariants in Maple(tm) [ --maxima ] (type=FLAG,) print out commands to compute invariants in Maxima [ --maxima_outfile ] (type=STRING, default=cout) print out commands to compute invariants in Maxima [ --bc ] (type=FLAG,) print out commands to compute invariants in bc (GNU MP calculator) [ --bc_outfile ] (type=STRING, default=cout) print out commands to compute invariants in bc (GNU MP calculator) [ --column ] (type=INTEGER, range=-3...2,) force evaluation along column 0,1,2 or row 0,1,2 (-1,-2,-3 resp.) [ --memory ] (type=INTEGER, range=50000..., default=500000) memory in bytes to be allocated while running batch [ --depth ] (type=INTEGER, range=0..., default=1) depth of testing [ --noadjust ] (type=FLAG,) do not apply adjustments to kspace data (only used in CEZTest::test()) [ --output_style ] (type=INTEGER, range=0...3, default=0) style of output (0=text, 1=html, 2=xml, 3=latex (unimplemented)) [ -h ] [ --help ] (type=FLAG) Display help information. [ -v ] [ --version ] (type=FLAG) Output version.