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1.1.4 Sort mode

The output of a batch session can be pre-sorted by means of the -s flag. search and sort

One can search a domain and the output sorted. The sort occurs along abs(r), s, p1, s2 and then s1. That is, along columns 7, 8, 9, 11, and 10 of the output.

     $ ./kspace_t -s --k0min=-2 --l0min=-2 -f 1 --mod3=2
     1       -2       1      -1      -1       0       1       0       0      -0.464286       -0.416667
     2       -1       1       0       0       0      -1       0       0       0.392857       -0.333333
     0       -2       0      -1      -1       0      -1       0       0       0.250000       -0.250000
     1       -2       0      -1      -1       0      -1       0       0       0.000000       -0.166667
     2       -2       0      -1      -1       0      -1       0       0      -0.392857       -0.083333
     2       -2       2      -1       0       2      -1       0       0       0.464286        0.416667
     0       -2       1       0       0       0      -3      -1       0      -0.491071        0.472222
     0       -1      -1       0       0       0      -3       1       0       0.491071       -0.472222
     1       -2       0      -1       1       0      -5      -1      -2      -0.432143        0.433333
     2       -2       1       0       0       0      -5       1      -2       0.432143       -0.433333
     1       -1      -1       0       0       0      -5       2       2       0.457143       -0.416667
     2       -2       0      -1       1       0      -7      -2       0      -0.473214       -0.476190
     0       -2      -1       0       0       0      -7       1       0       0.473214       -0.464286
     2       -1      -1       0       0       0      -7       3       1       0.404337       -0.369048
     0       -2      -2      -1      -1       0      -9       4       0       0.321429       -0.324074
     0       -2      -2      -1       0       0      -11     -5      -5       0.385552       -0.318182
     1       -2      -2      -1      -1       0      -11      5      -1       0.198864       -0.280303
     2       -2      -1       0       0       0      -13      3      -5       0.396978       -0.371795
     2       -2      -2      -1      -1       0      -13      6      -2       0.027472       -0.237179
     2       -2      -2      -1       0       0      -17     -7      -8       0.288865       -0.230392
     2       -2      -2      -1       1       0      -19     -7      -5       0.273966       -0.228070 search, sort and determine topological/smooth structures

One can use the SET programme in conjunction with KSPACE. Here, we filter the output.

     $ ./kspace_t -s --k0min=-2 --l0min=-2 -f 1 --mod3=2 --rmax=1 | ./set -r | egrep -A 3 -e 'Home|Diff' | egrep -v '^#$|size'
     # Homeoclass:  absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=-5/12
     # Diffeoclass: absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=-5/12 s1=-13/28
     1 -2 1 -1 -1 0 1 0 0 -0.464286 -0.416667
     # Homeoclass:  absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=-1/3
     # Diffeoclass: absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=-1/3 s1=11/28
     2 -1 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0.392857 -0.333333
     # Homeoclass:  absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=-1/4
     # Diffeoclass: absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=-1/4 s1=1/4
     0 -2 0 -1 -1 0 -1 0 0 0.250000 -0.250000
     # Homeoclass:  absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=-1/6
     # Diffeoclass: absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=-1/6 s1=0/1
     1 -2 0 -1 -1 0 -1 0 0 0.000000 -0.166667
     # Homeoclass:  absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=-1/12
     # Diffeoclass: absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=-1/12 s1=-11/28
     2 -2 0 -1 -1 0 -1 0 0 -0.392857 -0.083333
     # Homeoclass:  absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=5/12
     # Diffeoclass: absr=1 s=0 p1=0 s2=5/12 s1=13/28
     2 -2 2 -1 0 2 -1 0 0 0.464286 0.416667